Von Zipper End of Year Party @ Grand Pacific Blue Room
Nov. 22, 2007
Okay, so I took a cab from Hugo's and arrived at the Blue Room just after 8:30pm to set my gear up as I was the official photographer of the night. And boy, that was some night...Wow!!! There were so many hotties, it wasn't funny. I mean, Danielle Byrnes(google her name), Georgia Hendry-Parsons and the two VZ girls wearing swimsuits were working with me on the door for starters. And the guests, well...Jaime, Lucy, Izzy, Taryn, Anna, Lisa, Jasons Stevens, my friend Georgette and her gorgeous friend and lots lots more came and had a ball.
Anyways, let's have a look at the pictures as it will tell you more of the party and the party people:

Okay, so I took a cab from Hugo's and arrived at the Blue Room just after 8:30pm to set my gear up as I was the official photographer of the night. And boy, that was some night...Wow!!! There were so many hotties, it wasn't funny. I mean, Danielle Byrnes(google her name), Georgia Hendry-Parsons and the two VZ girls wearing swimsuits were working with me on the door for starters. And the guests, well...Jaime, Lucy, Izzy, Taryn, Anna, Lisa, Jasons Stevens, my friend Georgette and her gorgeous friend and lots lots more came and had a ball.
Anyways, let's have a look at the pictures as it will tell you more of the party and the party people:

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