
Puma Apres Winter Party @ Ruby Rabbit

Aug. 22, 2007

( Conversation between two Puma party organisers that may have occurred, or not... )

Organiser 1 - " Hey what can we do to make our winter party stand out from a zillion winter parties that are on at the moment?!"

Organiser 2 - " Hmmm...You know what?!! we'll decorate the place with 'real snow' !!!

Organiser 1 - "Fav idea!!! let's do that...

1 hour after party had started:

Organiser 1 - "Yes, the place looks great with real snow and the guests are loving it!"

2 hours after:

Organiser 2 - "Snow fight downstairs!!! fun fun!!!"

3 hours after:

Organiser 1 - "Omg, it's getting really slippery downstairs. I can't walk properly"

Organiser 2 - "I think that alcoholic drinks and melting snow don't go together"

Organiser 1 - "We better close the bottom level before someone has an accident and sue us..."

Organiser 2 - "Good idea..."

ha ha ha...I was asked by 2threads to cover the Puma Apres winter party @ Ruby Rabbit this Wednesday.

When I arrived and saw the 'real snow', I thought, cool what a great concept! fantastic!!! until the damn things started to melt, plus the fact that people on the first level decided to start a snow fight. So there was poor Limmy, dodging snow and trying not to slip for my camera's sake.

But hey, it was a fun party and I got out of there in one piece and my camera intact!

Here are some pictures for you to look at:



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